R&D 100 Awards
There are presently no open calls for submissions.
Welcome to the 2015 R&D 100 Awards Submission Site!
1.) The 2015 R&D 100 Awards will honor new products, technology and services that have been introduced to the market between January 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015.
Please note that for the 2015 R&D 100 Awards:
- We have added four Special Recognition Awards. Each Special Recognition category requires an entry fee of $395.
- Entrants will select the category(s) in which they will compete: Mechanical Devices/Materials, IT/Electrical, Analytical/Test, Process/Prototyping and/or Software/Services. Each category requires an entry fee of $395.
- If your product requires regulatory approval, it must have completed the approval process prior to entry.
2.) A number of components are recommended for an award-winning entry. But you do not need to have everything at hand to begin your submission.
- You may save your entry at any time by clicking Save Draft, and return when you are ready to add additional documents/graphics/information.
- If you have finalized your entry by clicking Submit, it will be closed for editing.
- However, your confirmation email will contain a link that will allow you to request your entry be opened again for editing.
- You can preview the R&D 100 Awards Submission form here.
3.) Begin your submission form by choosing the payment option below that best suits your organization's needs. Choose from payment via Credit Card & Paypal or via Invoice.
For more information, please call 973-920-7118 or email: abmevents@advantagemedia.com.